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Vaiselbuh SR, Bryceson YT, Allen CE, Whitlock JA, Abla O Updates on histiocytic disorders. Pediatric blood & cancer 2014, 61: 1329    
Valladeau J, Ravel O, Dezutter-Dambuyant C, Moore K, Kleijmeer M, Liu Y, Duvert-Frances V, Vincent C, Schmitt D, Davoust J, Caux C, Lebecque S, Saeland S Langerin, a novel C-type lectin specific to Langerhans cells, is an endocytic receptor that induces the formation of Birbeck granules. Immunity 2000, 12: 71    
Vassallo R, Ryu JH, Colby TV, Hartman T, Limper AH Pulmonary Langerhans'-cell histiocytosis. The New England journal of medicine 2000 Jun 29; 342: 1969    
Vassallo R, Ryu JH, Schroeder DR, Decker PA, Limper AH Clinical outcomes of pulmonary Langerhans'-cell histiocytosis in adults. The New England journal of medicine 2002 Feb 14; 346: 484    
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