Patient Associations around the World
This webpage lists patient associations dealing with histiocytic diseases.
Asociacion Española contra la Histiocitosis de celulas de Langerhans (ACHE)
Spanish Patient Association for Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis
Associazione Italiana Ricerca Istiocitosi - AIRI LCH onlus
Italian Patient Association for Histiocytosis Research

Erdheim-Chester Disease Global Alliance
The ECD Global Alliance is dedicated to awareness, support, education, and research related to Erdheim-Chester Disease. It is based in the USA and has international members.
Histiocytosis Association
Association for histiocytic disorders based in the United States of America
Patients' Histiocytosis Website
Israeli patients' website about histiocytosis in Hebrew and English
Stichting Langerhans Cel Histiocytose
Dutch Patient Association for Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis
The Histiocytosis Research Trust
Patient Association for Histiocytosis based in the United Kingdom
Langerhans Cel Histiocytose Belgium VZW
Belgian Patient Association for Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis